Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Have you ever wondered What If .............


Have you ever heard at night a train ? Or ever wonder where is the plane going ? Just look at your car and try to figure out some place to just get away ! I have , but rather then going by myself. I would love to have my family with me. Travel a few states in the US. Like Pittsburgh, Virginia, Florida, New Mexico. Louisiana, California and Hawaii.

In a few of these places , yes there are friends and family. So we would definitely stop by and visit. But I would really want to enjoy the area, and see some sites. Make it family adventure with out the Internet for while. Just enjoy each other's company. And just taste some amazing foods, view some museums and in take the sites we see. And try things that may see outrageous but are really amazing ! 

Every night  , I hear a local train. At first it was really annoying. But when I hear it  I really wonder. where are the passengers going ? I hope they have fun !  Though I really would enjoy to take the road trip I know that it will be awhile. As with life there are many more important things to do. Than just think about doing something costly.  

Pay bills, go to school, homework, but I really hope that this dream of my does become something in the future.  Because without such amazing dreams , what do really have !!! 

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